Friday, April 6, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 3 - Trance

When I came in for my third visit I was very calm and peaceful yet also a bit physically tired. My mind was more clear and I was feeling upbeat. I had been reading about John of God and his Healing Center at his Casa in Brazil and I was really feeling great thinking that I might get some great healing from this experience.

It was time for me to admit the fact that I really was in dire need of healing, and that's the #1 thing I was hoping to receive from my Crystal Bed experiences.


Several years ago I had come close to dying with serious infections. The first one was diverticulitis, and I had a perforated colon and part of my colon was removed, which took me months to recover from. Shortly after leaving the hospital (after 10 days) my entire stomach ballooned up with another infection along the surgical wound that was nearly 10 inches long.

I later found out that I had a "staph" infection that had been acquired during my hospital stay. Not only that but there were some other mutant bacteria that were resistant to the normal antibiotics used to kill of normal staph infections. Now this is called MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) and it is often fatal. So I was on oral and IV - intravenous - antibiotics for two months fighting for my life.

I did survive but my life was changed forever. I was never as healthy after that as I was before. My entire life was turned upside down -- personally, professionally and financially.

Then in the winter of 2012 I found out that the MRSA never really left the body, and it could come back at any time and make me sick again -- or even kill me this time. Apparently it has a permanent negative effect on the immune system. So I started to become fearful about getting sick and dying from a simple scrape or cut that could cause an infection that I would never recover from.


This is when I talked to Mannie about my health issues, and he suggested the healing on the Crystal Bed. He said was also going to start up healing group meditations similar to and inspired by John of God. Mannie had spent two weeks at John of God's Casa in Brazil and saw first-hand the healings that took place there.

So after hearing Mannie discuss John of God, the Crystal Bed, the group meditations, and the great healings that took place in Brazil every day, I decided I would also take this approach to healing myself.


On my third visit I had a wonderful, relaxing, rejuvenating experience. I felt very calm and energized afterwards. I had never experienced anything like it, and it truly felt like my healing had begun.

During the treatment my mind had some unusual yet very pleasant experiences similar to being in a trance. It was like a deep meditation combined with a pleasant dream. I felt very relaxed, almost numb, physically. My mind was alert and conscious of things in the same way you are aware of things while dreaming. I felt like there was some process going on that I didn't understand.

I was beginning to think I really liked the Crystal Bed experience, and it would be able to really heal me and make sure I never got sick from MRSA again. That was my hope anyway. And I knew for sure I wanted to keep coming to Mannie's bookstore for my Crystal Bed healing experiences! They were making me feel better already.

This uplifted my spirits and I felt better all over. Now I was looking forward to my next visit with much anticipation.

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