Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 29 -- If We Build It, They Will Come

Many people are familiar with the Kevin Costner movie "Field of Dreams" in which he builds a baseball field in the middle of his Iowa cornfield, hoping to bring back Shoeless Joe Jackson, Ty Cobb and other late great baseball legends.

Today on the Crystal Bed I had a dream-vision of Mannie and me sitting in a baseball stadium eating hot dogs, relaxing and watching a baseball game.  It wasn't the "Field of Dreams" we were in though, in an Iowa cornfield.  Rather we were sitting in Fenway Park, in Boston, which was also featured in the same movie.  It was a huge stadium, and crowded with people having a good time.

At first I thought the message was that Mannie and I should be relaxing and having more fun, including using his new fishing boat.  Then the more I thought about it I wondered if the message was the same one Kevin Costner had received:  Build It And They Will Come.

Mannie's vision and dream is to build a healing center in Daytona Beach, modeled after the healing center at the Casa of John of God in Brazil.  John of God also utilizes Crystal Bed Healing in his work there.  Aligning and energizing chakras is a very important part of the holistic healing process.

Mannie has already taken many steps toward realizing his vision, and one could in fact argue that Daytona Books & Metaphysics is already a healing center, because healing is already taking place there.

There are healings that take place in the store every day.  The church on Sundays also has many healings taking place every week.  There are classes being held on healing and spiritual development several nights each week.  Many people are being helped. 

In fact, people are coming from far and wide to participate in and experience healing at this Healing Center.  They are coming -- the Prophecy is true.

I'm not sure what my role in building the Healing Center will be, other than writing this blog and helping Mannie with publicity.  But it doesn't matter.  I know I will be a part of it.  I will do my part.

I'm hoping that everyone reading this will also consider how she or he can participate and help with the building of this wonderful center for healing and spiritual renewal.

I think Mannie would agree with me on this point:  the more you give, the more you will receive.  I feel lucky to be able to give as much as I have, and to have benefited so much.

Each person involved in the Healing Center is playing a very important role, unique to them. Please consult your own guidance and figure out how you can help and what your own role should be.

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