Monday, May 21, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 39 - Einstein and Marilyn Monroe

Today's experience on the Crystal Bed was nothing but spinning energy.  I felt completely energized and fully charged.  I felt like everything about me -- soul, mind, emotions, and body -- was pure energy.

Many scientists have confirmed that the entire Universe is nothing but spinning energy.  Subatomic particles can be broken down to elementary particles, which are made of energy.  Some believe that different vibrations of energy create the different dimensions.  One-dimensional strings vibrate and so create our three dimensional world.

This makes me wonder how many dimensions there really are.  When I have the feeling of being pure energy it seems as if the number of dimensions are limitless.

Maybe this is where spirituality and science intersect, or overlap.  Because many believe that the cleansing and activating of the Chakras raises our vibrations to make us more attuned to the spiritual world.

However, this explanation of spirituality also sounds a lot like a scientific explanation.  The theory of relativity states that Mass is nothing but Energy. 
Relativity is a theory of the structure of spacetime. It was introduced in Einstein's 1905 paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies

Notice the word "electrodyanamics" which means having to do with electricity and energy.  This is the same as the Crystal Bed.

My point is that maybe what we call spirit is just energy at a higher vibration.  Maybe God is nothing but all the energy that exists everywhere.

What's interesting is to consider the forms of our bodies, our world and the Universe.  Maybe our lives are nothing but energy given form by our thoughts.  Maybe we are nothing but thoughts in the mind of God.

On the Crystal bed, I felt like I was pure energy, but I was thinking about it while I was experiencing it. Consciousness exists in the middle of a continually vibrating Cosmos.

This convinces me that even if we are pure energy, our thoughts are what determine our lives.

Einstein attracted the attentions of starstruck young women all his life. Marilyn Monroe was reputed to have said she found him sexy.  I like that about her. To me, she is an excellent example of a thought in the mind of God.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 38 - Guest Post From The Dalai Lama

Today was a clear and crisp Crystal Bed session.  My mind was very focused, and all my thoughts were about other people in my life. 
What I'd been thinking about was the image of me as a "broadcaster" of messages.  I realized I needed to be a better "receiver" as well.  We need to learn to receive as well as give.
If we are giving all we can, then clearly the Universe wants to give us all we need and want also. I felt like there were Universal Laws at work here, and we need to be open to both intellectual understanding of them and applying them in our daily lives.
What we understand as the Law of Karma has to do with both giving and receiving, so I thought I'd see what the Dalai Lama has to say about this topic.  Below are his thoughts on how to receive Good Karma which I think are worth sharing.
20 Ways to Get Good Karma
By The Dalai Lama
  1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
  2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
  3. Follow the three R’s: 
    1. Respect for self, 
    2. Respect for others and 
    3. Responsibility for all your actions.
  4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
  5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
  6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
  7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
  8. Spend some time alone every day.
  9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
  10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
  11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
  12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
  13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
  14. Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.
  15. Be gentle with the earth.
  16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
  17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
  18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
  19. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
  20. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Spread The Word

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 37 - Bodhisattva, Take Me By The Hand

Today on the Crystal Bed was really a Buddha kind of experience.  I  couldn't get out of my mind that every human being -- every soul -- was essentially the same.  By this I mean that we are all part of God, and thus all worthy.  How can one part of God be better than another part of God?

For example, Ascended Masters:  are they a better part of God than an average person?  Every person can teach us something, in my opinion.  Maybe a lesson we learn from a homeless person we encounter in Daytona Beach is more valuable than a lesson we learn from a visiting guru.  Who's to say?

Maybe some will disagree with me and think that all people are not equally part of God, and thus some are better than others.  I'm just saying that today on the Crystal Bed I couldn't get the thought out of my mind that we are all equally part of God.  It would not let go.

In fact, it seems to me that if one person proclaims "I am an enlightened Master" then it sounds a little bit like an ego-centric person talking.  I'm just saying it sounds like that.

The other thing that struck me today is how much I agree with the Buddhist concept of The Middle Way.  Buddha thought there was a path between the extremes of austerities and sensual indulgence.

It's easy to be "non attached" to a world of austerity and denial, since there are no pleasures and nothing really to enjoy.  It seems a much greater accomplishment to me to live a normal life and still be non-attached.  Does non-attachment mean no pleasure and complete self-denial?  I don't think so.  I'm with Buddha on this one.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 36 - Let Your Light Shine

Today was a very intense personal experience on the Crystal Bed.  In fact, I felt super-charged, on every level.  It was another day for a good "Chakra Buzz" as I've come to call these experiences.

When I lay on the bed I could both feel and see my chakras spinning and generating light.  When my eyes were closed I had a vision of my body as an electrical system with each chakra being a battery, all lined up like in a flashlight.  At the end of my body was a huge, blinding beam of light shining out into the world.

To use some other analogies, I felt like all the parts of my body and mind were "in sync."  Like I was "hitting on all cylinders."  This was definitely an uplifting feeling.

This image of me as a bright flashlight seemed to be telling me that I was supposed to use the chakra energy to help others in some way.  As usual the message was for me to "communicate" and "share."

"How can I help you?" is what I felt like I should be saying to people; to the world.  And maybe to my divine Self.  We are all here to give Service to others.

Ask not what your divine Self can do for You, but what You can do for your divine Self.

Or, to quote Matthew:
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.     --Matthew 5:16 



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 35 -- Roots

Today was a day full of many messages going through my mind at the same time:

  • Take Care of Business
  • Get Grounded
  • Get Rid of Junk
  • Deal With the Root Chakra
  • Understand the Nature of Desire
Somehow all of these messages seemed interconnected.  I think I'm supposed to understand the Root Chakra better:

Also called the First Chakra or the Earth Chakra, the Root Chakra relates to our sense of physical security and our ability to provide for life’s necessities. It also relates to our sense of belonging to our family or group. 

When opened and balanced, the Root Chakra keeps you grounded and centered. It has to do with survival and safety issues, feeling connected to the earth, and feeling welcome in the world.

The Root Chakra governs sexuality, sensuality, and stability. 

In meditations, energy flows from the top (Crown Chakra) to the bottom (Root Chakra), which is symbolic of energy coming from Heaven into Mother Earth.  Today I got a message that the Root Chakra is not the end, but rather the beginning.  Our goal is to activate and then transcend the Root Chakra.  It is a gateway into our Higher Nature.

Energy flowing through us into Mother Earth also flows back into us and gives us healthy energy that helps balance and heal us on all levels.  Being grounded with Mother Earth does not require giving up spirituality, but enhances it.

Since the Root Chakra is associated with sex and sensuality, some people think the energy is bad and part of our lower nature.  This is not true.  It is the source of desire that propels us to higher levels of achievement and evolution.

It doesn't do us any good to ignore our Roots.  We are better off if we nurture them, keep them healthy, and understand their purpose in our lives.  We must not live in denial of our true nature.  My Crystal Bed Experience was helping me see that, and how to live a balanced life.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 34 - Good Vibrations

Today I went to the Crystal Bed at 4 p.m. and had a 30 minute session.  For some reason, everything seemed to annoy me today.  This was unusual in that I was generally very calm on the Crystal Bed, and was not bothered by anything in the external environment.

But today was different.  There were a lot of loud sounds which I told my mind to ignore, but my mind didn't obey my orders.  I guess my mind has a mind of its own. Which annoyed me.

Anyway, this made me realize something important about Chakra stimulation:  Sound vibrations are at least as powerful as the light and color vibrations from the Crystal Bed.   In fact, they may be MORE powerful.  

There are some wonderful Chakra Chimes in the bookstore and when they are played while on the Crystal Bed it is a great experience.  Combining the light and crystal and color and chakra chime sounds is really powerful.

(Anyone interested in Chakra work should try this.)

It occurred to me how important it is to have Good Vibrations.  In fact, Vibrations might be the key to everything.

It also occurred to me that we can all help each other with this.  By which I mean, we can give each other Good Vibrations.  

If we think positive thoughts about other people, and send them love and regard, that is sending out Good Vibrations.  Why not do that more often?

I think the point of sending out Good Vibrations is not just to feel good.  Just like the Chakra Chimes help with healing and balance, so I think sending out Good Vibrations to other people helps with their healing and spiritual development.

I decided that in addition to finding healing on the Crystal Bed I would also try to help heal others by sending them as many Good Vibrations as I possibly could.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 33 -- Social Media & The Golden Rule

Today was an incredibly deep experience with many meaningful thoughts, and I couldn't remember any of them.  I was exhausted before my Crystal Bed treatment because I'd been working on a YouTube video project for a couple of days and definitely needed to recharge my batteries.

When I concluded my Crystal Bed session there was one word running through my head -- "Social." What did that mean?

Was I supposed to write more blogs?  Make more videos?  Post more on Facebook and Twitter?  Make new friends?  Go out more often?  What was my Crystal Bed message telling me today about being "social?"

I have no idea.  Sometimes we see the world through a glass darkly, especially after we just wake up or come out of a deep meditative state.

Social media, social networking, social bookmarking -- these are all the hot terms in internet marketing these days.  YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and blogs are all forms of social media.  They provide lots of different ways for us to communicate with each other that are unprecedented in human history.

For example, when I post the links to this blog on Facebook, people from my hometown (Hampton, Iowa) read it who I have not seen in over 40 years.  Sometimes they write messages about it to me.  So that's kinda cool.  This is social media on the world wide web.

The word "social" is derived from the Latin word for "allies."  So maybe the lesson is we need each other as allies in the battles that we fight every day.

The biggest battles we all have are within ourselves.  Usually the battles are between our selfish Self and our non-selfish Self.  We're supposed to care about others as much as ourselves.  This is The Golden Rule:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or something like that.

We grow spiritually when we follow The Golden Rule.  It's a challenge isn't it?  We do need allies; we do need people who help us.  Being "social" and involved with other people is a good way to make sure that we fight the good fight, and win.

We would all be better off being more "social," having more allies, and following The Golden Rule. This is the message I got on the Crystal Bed today, and it is an important one.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 32 - Keeping The Spiritual Machinery Running

Today I had another relaxing session on the Crystal Bed. Even though my mind drifted into a dream-like state, I could not let go of thoughts about the material world.  As much as we might want to live in Dream Land, we also have to deal with the stuff of this world in which we live.

For example, we have to keep machinery running -- maintain it, oil it, repair it.  This applies to our bodies, our automobiles, our computer systems and the buildings where we spend most of our time. 

Someone once said that the goal of life is to make order out of chaos.  Which is certainly one way to look at it.  Keeping order -- and keeping all of our machines running -- does take a lot of our time and energy. 

Most people who are spiritual and or idealistic find this a nuisance.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could live in a glorious spiritual world without having to worry about the humdrum concerns we face every day?  

But that's not "the way it is."  Life in the material world is what it is, and we have to deal with it.   Somehow, along with all the work we need to do for spiritual growth we also have to find the time to keep the machinery running.

If we don't do that we won't have buildings where our churches meet and where our schools hold classes.  We won't have a lot of other things we need also.

Even though the spirit is where "we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28) our activities take place on Planet Earth.  The more time I spent on the Crystal Bed the more it seemed I was able to live in both worlds simultaneously. Perhaps this is the lesson I am supposed to learn in this lifetime.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Find The Power Of Joy

The following is a guest blog post from Jacqui ‘Kalidevi’ Bensusan, aka, Mother Yogini:

Feelings Are Not Facts

It’s a good thing feelings are not facts!  Often times, feelings come from ingrained societal beliefs and life conditioning, having no basis in reality.  Becoming a Master of the Self (freeing yourself from the bondage of Self) involves not feeding into emotions and not reacting, rather observing and responding appropriately.  In this manner, we can rise to the next level spiritually and allow our Divine Light to shine brightly.  

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about suppressing emotions, as we all should know that only creates blockages in the chakras and holds one back on their spiritual journey, eventually manifesting in a physical illness.  We must always deal with and work through it, but do so in a manner that leads to growth.  Think of why you are feeling the way you do, what life conditioning has lead you to that feeling.  

What I’m speaking of is observing and seeing the whole picture; realizing there is nothing to be emotional about, taking the ‘I’ out of the situation and choosing not to be offended by anything anyone says or thinks.  Let go of ego!  When you know yourself fully and realize what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves (and what others see in you is a reflection of themselves). You no longer have a need to feed into the lower emotions.

God is Pure Unconditional Love and, when we are aligned with our Divine Selves, we are too!  Today, find the power of joy and decide not to be offended by anything anyone says or does.  Take the higher road and always offer love and compassion, ever remaining detached from drama.  

This is not to say that it is always easy, nothing good ever comes easy.   In fact, the higher you climb the spiritual ladder, the tougher the lessons get to ensure you are prepared for even higher levels.  Sure, when you are aligned with your higher self, things flow much more smoothly and everything falls nicely into place, but we are still tested.  

We are in spiritual boot camp here on Earth and, believe you me, it’s well worth passing the grade to move on to the pure ecstatic bliss that is on the next level!  When you always keep joy and unconditional love in your body, mind, and soul, you experience true Heaven on Earth and receive great abundance!  

Remember, you are not responsible for the actions of others, you are only responsible for yourself (I’m not talking about not being a responsible parent here, ultimately, we are each responsible for ourselves on the spiritual journey, teach your children right from wrong, but let them also learn their lessons).

Tell yourself, “Just for today, I won’t be offended by anything anyone says or does.  I will realize they are projecting onto me the things they need to work on spiritually.  Instead, I will always show detached compassion and unconditional love to ALL beings on the planet and beyond”.

Now choose to remain in the present.  If you are finding yourself depressed, you are holding on to something from the past; let it go.  If you are anxious, then you are living in the future; let it go.  Stay in the here and now and know that all events are brought to you from your own making.  

You may not choose the exact events that are brought to you, but you can choose how you respond to them.  Happiness is a choice, it always has been and always will be.  Choose to be in peace and happiness.  As the late great Gandhiji once said, “be the change you want to see in the world”.  Let’s bring everlasting peace to this world!

Harmony, Love, Light, Peace, and Unity for ALL! We are ALL ONE!

Bright Blessings!

Jacqui ‘Kalidevi’ Bensusan
Yogini, Shaman, Healer, Spiritual Guide, & Protectress

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 31 - Unlimited Clarity

Today  on the Crystal Bed was one of those very deep, refreshing experiences that made me feel good all over.  Feeling this way was becoming more common; almost a routine. I had nothing left to complain about.

My mind was also relaxed since I had meditated before coming to the Crystal Bed.  I was calm and seemingly had no issues to resolve today.  I was hoping it wasn't the type of calm that precedes a bad storm!  There was no reason for me to think it was.

Today was a day when I felt that anything was possible in life.  Maybe it is; who's to say?

Looking at my present life and my future everything seemed clear today.  Possibilities seemed unlimited.  I could see no obstacles or hazards on the horizon.  Is it possible life is really going to be this way?  That would be surprising, but I'd take it.

Having these feelings was a bit unsettling.  Maybe I'm too used to dealing with problems.  I thought I'd better just go with the flow and enjoy the calmness and clarity while they last.

Is it possible that we needlessly create our own problems in life?  Yes, it is possible.

Calm, clarity and unlimited possibilities for the future.  Everything seemed good to me today.  Another good day on the Crystal Bed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 30 -- Om, Om On The Range

Today I went into a deep meditative state on the Crystal Bed and had a basic insight that seemed very profound yet simple.  I saw that my true inner self never changes, but the world around me changes constantly.  And that I could affect and effect that change.

I saw that I am always in the same place, which is “here” and never “there.”  Someone once said “Home is where you are.”  And we are always Home, and always with God and part of God.

What we perceive as the world around us changes as we change ourselves internally.  Change yourself and you will change your world.  If you want improvements in your life then you must change yourself first.  Do this, and the world around you will change accordingly.

One thing this made me think is that there certainly is no hurry to get anywhere.  We are already in paradise.  We are already Home, now and always.

Sometimes we really have to stop and think about what’s going on within us and without us.  And truly appreciate our surroundings.

The Crystal Bed was helping me do this.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 29 -- If We Build It, They Will Come

Many people are familiar with the Kevin Costner movie "Field of Dreams" in which he builds a baseball field in the middle of his Iowa cornfield, hoping to bring back Shoeless Joe Jackson, Ty Cobb and other late great baseball legends.

Today on the Crystal Bed I had a dream-vision of Mannie and me sitting in a baseball stadium eating hot dogs, relaxing and watching a baseball game.  It wasn't the "Field of Dreams" we were in though, in an Iowa cornfield.  Rather we were sitting in Fenway Park, in Boston, which was also featured in the same movie.  It was a huge stadium, and crowded with people having a good time.

At first I thought the message was that Mannie and I should be relaxing and having more fun, including using his new fishing boat.  Then the more I thought about it I wondered if the message was the same one Kevin Costner had received:  Build It And They Will Come.

Mannie's vision and dream is to build a healing center in Daytona Beach, modeled after the healing center at the Casa of John of God in Brazil.  John of God also utilizes Crystal Bed Healing in his work there.  Aligning and energizing chakras is a very important part of the holistic healing process.

Mannie has already taken many steps toward realizing his vision, and one could in fact argue that Daytona Books & Metaphysics is already a healing center, because healing is already taking place there.

There are healings that take place in the store every day.  The church on Sundays also has many healings taking place every week.  There are classes being held on healing and spiritual development several nights each week.  Many people are being helped. 

In fact, people are coming from far and wide to participate in and experience healing at this Healing Center.  They are coming -- the Prophecy is true.

I'm not sure what my role in building the Healing Center will be, other than writing this blog and helping Mannie with publicity.  But it doesn't matter.  I know I will be a part of it.  I will do my part.

I'm hoping that everyone reading this will also consider how she or he can participate and help with the building of this wonderful center for healing and spiritual renewal.

I think Mannie would agree with me on this point:  the more you give, the more you will receive.  I feel lucky to be able to give as much as I have, and to have benefited so much.

Each person involved in the Healing Center is playing a very important role, unique to them. Please consult your own guidance and figure out how you can help and what your own role should be.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 28 - Dreams Within Dreams

Today I went to the Crystal Bed late in the afternoon and fell into a deep state of relaxation where I was only partially conscious.  This was happening more often; I had vivid images that came to me like dreams I couldn't remember.

I wanted to be able to interpret the dream-like images because they seemed to contain powerful messages.  I couldn't decipher these messages because I didn't remember them.  This was getting frustrating.

Maybe today's message was simply that I needed to learn how to remember the images I was seeing, and then learn how to interpret their meanings.

My Crystal Bed Experience seemed to be opening up new channels of communication between my conscious and subconscious minds.  If I could learn to interpret these dream-like images I felt like I could really get some valuable information and make advances in my life situation.

Since dreams have been a popular subject in literature through the centuries, I decided to do some research and copy a few interesting quotes below.

Dream Quotes

The general function of dreams is to try to restore our psychological balance by producing dream material that re-establishes, in a subtle way, the total psychic equilibrium.

CARL JUNG, Man and His Symbols

All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

EDGAR ALLAN POE, A Dream Within a Dream

Dreams are the seedlings of reality.

NAPOLEON HILL, Think and Grow Rich

If I dream I have you, I have you,
For, all our joys are but fantastical.


Dreams are useful in learning more about the dreamer's feelings, thoughts, behavior, motives, and values. Many find that dreams can help them solve problems. Further, artists, writers, and scientists often get creative ideas from dreams.

By thinking about what each dream element means to you or reminds you of, by looking for parallels between these associations and what is happening in your waking life, and by being patient and persistent, you can learn to understand your dreams.

From the website of the International Association of the Study of Dreams  (


Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream

Let's Enjoy It!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 27 - Throat Chakra Messages

Today on the  Crystal Bed my thoughts and insights were totally about Communication. This was important to me.  I'd been working on the Throat Chakra; connection to the divine.   The Crystal Bed helps align all the chakras but for me the Throat Chakra needs special attention.

The message I got today was to be very pro-active in communicating.  This is not a time for me to sit back and keep silent.  Maybe that applies to a lot of other people also.

There was a recurring thought in my head that simply wouldn't go away:  My communications must be very direct.  They must be clear.  They must be simple. This is no time to beat around the bush.

I started thinking about what this means in my professional and personal lives.  It really was very important to me to get this message today.  

I have been guided in a certain direction in recent weeks:  to do communications for businesses, especially small local businesses that need marketing and advertising help.  I feel in my heart I can really help people this way.

When you have been given talents you are supposed to use them. Don't let them sit dormant, because that would be wasteful.  That was my message.

Somehow this message seemed a lot more profound though, so I decided I'd better research the meaning and purpose of the Throat Chakra.  Below is a further explanation of this chakra and how important it is to us in connecting to the divine and getting what we want from life.

This is the true message of the Throat Chakra.  

Someone with a balanced  Throat Chakra  has the ability to clearly and openly express himself.  He or she is also able to express their weaknesses and 
strengths honestly.  This is why this chakra is characterized with communication, self expression, eloquence, free will and creativity.

Resting at the back of your throat, the Throat Chakra is more than just the words you speak. It is the mouthpiece by which you communicate your truths. Energy from the fifth chakra is rightly associated with a pure blue color – representing the ‘true blue’ essence of your soul. When you express your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions to others, you are sharing this essence through your energy.

The Throat Chakra is associated with aspects of expressing and receiving. Expressing means communicating what one wants and what one feels.  It can also be artistic expression, as an artist painting, a dancer dancing, a musician playing music.  The Throat Chakra helps us bring to the outside world what is inside of us.  

Self Expression is connected to receiving what we want, as in  the saying: "Ask, and Ye Shall Receive."  

This chakra is associated with listening to one's intuition, which guides one in an optimal flow, in which one sees one's goals manifest.

In this state it seems that the Universe provides all of our needs with no effort at all. It's a state of Grace. 

Abundance, therefore, is associated with this chakra, as is the aspect of unconditional receiving necessary to accept the abundance of the Universe.

This is the first level of consciousness in which one perceives directly another level of Intelligence, and experiences one's interaction with this other Intelligence.

Metaphysically, this chakra is related to creativity, creating, manifesting in the physical world the fulfillment of one's goals.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 26 - Why Am I Eating So Much Spinach?

Today on the Crystal Bed was all about Intuition.  My intuitive insights had never been so powerful.  One of the issues in my life that I gained intuitive insights about was the question, "Why am I eating so much spinach?"

Clearly this is not one of mankind's most pressing issues, but it was important to me to understand.  Since I'd started on the Crystal Bed my diet and eating habits had clearly changed.  For the better, I might add.  My body seems now to be telling me what to feed it, and it usually (but not always) wants me to feed it healthy foods.

Like spinach.  Let me go on record as saying that until recently I never ate spinach, at least voluntarily.  So for me to start buying spinach at the grocery store at least once per week was a revolutionary lifestyle change.

I think I'm getting used to it, although when I find myself grabbing handfuls of spinach from the bag in the refrigerator it still doesn't feel quite right.  This is part of the adjustment I'm going through due to the alignment and cleansing of my chakras on the Crystal Bed.

Today's insight was very simple:  the Crystal Bed Experience was not just healing my body, per se, but also healing my actions and behavior to give me a healthier body.  Maybe it's because the healing is on all levels:  the soul, the mind, the emotions and the physical body too.

This is a good thing.  It makes me believe in a Higher Power.  What more evidence do I need of the influence of a Higher Power in my life than for me to start eating spinach on a regular basis?

If you want proof of God's existence, this is it.  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Crystal Bed - Day 25 - Manifesting Our Potential

Today on the Crystal Bed I had a very deep and restful 30 minute treatment.  Once again I saw a lot of dream-like images I couldn't immediately understand.  

Regardless, I felt there was a lot of activity in my subconscious mind that involved resolving conflicts.  I couldn't tell if the conflicts being resolved were just in my own mind or involved people in my external world.

Conflict is a normal part of our life on earth and not necessarily something to be avoided all the time.  Sometimes by working through conflict we grow, as individuals and as a group. If conflicts can be resolved amicably, so everyone benefits, then we're all better off than when we started.

Perhaps the growth that takes place in resolving conflicts has to do with understanding other people and compromising our own points of view.  Each of us has a unique perspective that we need to share with others.  By taking into account everyone's perspective, the entire group is better off.  

Being involved with other people means we don't always get our own way.  We don't have to compromise our principles and beliefs necessarily, but we should be open to letting in new information by hearing what other people have to say.

Ultimately what this does is make us all able to accomplish a lot more by collective effort.  If we all work together to a common end then we can achieve about anything.  We have to really learn to trust and respect each other.

These sessions on the Crystal Bed were making me see that I was part of a larger group that was also growing and healing and changing as I was.  It made me curious to find out where all of this is heading.  

I could see now that there was a tremendous amount of potential for us to achieve and accomplish something great. This applies to me as well as the larger communities of which I am a part, such as the the People's Church and classes sponsored by Daytona Books & Metaphysics.

After today's session I was filled with hope that we could maintain the positive energy and keep the groups of people working together in a positive way. If we do this I believe we can make manifest the great potential that we have latent within us.

Who knows what we can accomplish?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"LOVE that knows no bounds" - Talk In The People's Church by Rev. Dr. Philip DeLong

The following “My Spirit” Lecture was given by Rev. Dr. Philip DeLong on April 29, 2012.  Rev. DeLong is a teacher of mine and his talk was extremely interesting and powerful.  He does mention the Crystal Bed, so with his permission I am posting his lecture in this blog with the hope that others will take inspiration from it also.

Thank you, and I thank the People’s Church of Divine Prophecy for inviting me to lecture today.  I would like to begin with this statement “Have you asked yourself, “How is MY Spirit today?”  Reflect on this a moment.  Now ask enthusiastically, “How is MY spirit doing today?”  This thought is an inspiration from the renowned Psychic and Author Sonia Choquette, who adds ‘Look in the mirror, and ask, “How is my Spirit doing today?” ’

When we ask our Spirit how is it doing today, we are going within and loving ourselves unconditionally.  When we do this, we have to shower ourselves in the pink ray of love, and release all of our physical, emotional and mental difficulties we are encountering at the present time.  This is difficult to do, and we must always remember we are a Spiritual being in a physical body experiencing life.  It is about connecting with the Oneness.

We can reach this state through meditation, by aligning and attuning all our chakras and accessing the Soul Star Chakra, and its connection to the Secret Chamber of the Heart, our I AM Presence, where our Spirit resides.  The Secret Chamber of the Heart is also referred to as the Threefold Flame of the Holy Christ Presence and the Flame of Life.  Drunvalo Melchizedek refers to the Secret Chamber of the Heart as the Secret of Secrets, and much of this lecture is from his teachings.  It is what the indigenous peoples of North America call the “All that is,” when one experiences life on and in all levels in synchronicity, referring to the Oneness.

The heart is so different! It perceives the world as an image, not something "real," and it sees everything at once. The heart knows only unity and Oneness, and creates from that way of seeing. It will never do anything that will be harmful to anyone or anything, for it knows that there is not "two."

All that exists is within the heart. In fact, even if it does not exist, it is still within the heart.  It is Spirit that creates.  And Spirit creates many wonderful things.  Take for example the Crystal Bed [downstairs], which uses crystals and light color healing energies.  The creation of Bio-magnetic healing devices is another example of this type of Spirit creation. Many people have experienced healing from these Spirit inventions, but we must remember and not lose sight of the fact that it is Spirit energy from the Heart that channels the healing energies, not the actual machine.

We are led to believe that love is the word for what is connected to the heart space. But from the Secret Chamber of the Heart, there are various kinds of love, and the love that we experience between two people is seldom coming from the heart. This kind of love is actually coming from the emotional body and is controlled by the right brain.

These emotional feelings are polarized, just as the brain is, and have an opposite expression — for example, love can become hate.

How often have you kissed someone you love dearly and then ten minutes later, in an argument or moment of heat, said, "I hate you!" This is a conditional love. It changes with the moment.

But in the Secret Chamber of the Heart there is a different kind of emotional body, so to speak, that does not have a polarized counterpart. This is a LOVE that knows no bounds, has no conditions, and will exist eternally no matter what.
This LOVE knows only Oneness and creates only to bring joy to all life everywhere.

When we fall from our heart to our mind, we enter into our earthly dimension of duality.

Someday soon we will all find this place within our hearts, for in this most holy place we all join together as One.

Although this sounds like New Age hype and a pipedream, it is the possibility and power of the hidden world of the Secret Chamber of the Heart.

All the world's religions and spiritual disciplines allude to this possibility, but most of them have forgotten how to actually enter this sacred space. These ways, like most of the old ways, have been lost.

This experience can never be truly lost, for it is the source of humanity and the cosmos itself. It can only be veiled.  By asking your Spirit “how are you doing today?” you are lifting that veil and accessing your Soul Path and understanding your Soul Contract for your purpose here.

As with all natural events in nature, all things have their timing. The return to the heart by humankind is only a matter of time.  The energies we are receiving now in 2012 is no coincident.

And remember, the great achievements of this human world have always began with a single man or woman, because Spirit creates.  If only one person — perhaps you? — were to enter the heart in LOVE and begin the holy dreaming process of creating a new world, can you not see that all the rest of us would someday follow?

The Secret Chamber of the Heart holds the only possibility of there ever being peace on Earth. All political actions on the Earth are being taken from Duality Consciousness, and this form of consciousness is based on ego.

As long as ego runs the course of events in the world, we will never know peace. Ego judges all events as either good or bad from its own viewpoint, and ego always thinks of itself first. As long as ego is safe and comfortable, ego doesn't usually care what happens to that which seems external to itself.

As I stated before, releasing all your physical, emotional and mental influences is not any easy task when we access the Secret Chamber of the Heart and talk to Spirit.  At this time, I am going to give some statements which I would like you to reflect upon.  If you would like, you may close your eyes.

From the Roman Statesman and Emperor Marcus Aurelius: “The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are…”

From Ascended Master Djwal Kuhl, affectionately known as Master D.K.: “I release myself this day from the imprisonment to appearances, and I open to new definitions of Reality.”

Master D.K. again “I renounce my enslavement to appearances and illusions, and I open my eyes to the true nature of everything.”
“As I thoroughly purge my mind of fearful projections, I see the Infinite
hiding behind all illusions.”

From an ancient Chinese Proverb, “After readying the every emotion, there is an understanding entering the realm.”

Adding to that proverb, “After readying AND mastering the every emotion, there is an understanding entering the realm.”

As we reflected on those last two quotes, the readying and mastering is relative to meditation and aligning the chakras, preparing us to enter the Secret Chamber of the Heart. Did you consider which realm?  For emotions transcend the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms.  Food for thought.

In the physical realm, can our emotions about a pain, sickness or disability create a rut or obstacle?  In the emotional realm, can hatred be overcome?  In the mental realm, are we creating blockages with our thought form?  In the Spiritual Realm, are we limiting our creative abilities being bogged down by duality and illusions?  Ask your Spirit for these answers and how it is doing?  Love and forgiveness go a long way on the Spiritual Path to Oneness.

Again from Marcus Aurelius: “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

Three thoughts from Melanie Moushigian Koulouris:

“Once you become consciously aware of just how powerful your thoughts are, you will realize everything in your life is exactly how you allow it to be.” 

“Never underestimate the power that is, and always has been within you.”

“If you love, trust, and find truth within yourself, then you can never be deceived, you are all you need to believe.”

Master D.K.: “I choose to be healed by love this day, and in my own healing, I offer healing love to all others.”

Esther Hicks:  "The greatest gift(s) you can ever give another person is your own happiness."

I would like to conclude by saying that the Secret Chamber of the Heart holds the key to the question I started with “How is My Spirit doing today?” By going within, we find everything that the Universe and Oneness has to offer.   Creativity.  Happiness. Joy.  You name it, it exists. The lifting of the veil revealed to us.

We must remember that the veil is only a veil! The truth is always eternal. Through a single person, the Secret of Chamber of the Heart can be revealed in the ordinary world of everyday life.  I leave you with this thought from Master D.K.:  “May the Divine Essence Who/Which creates, supports, and cherishes life --- take up residence in my grateful heart today.”  Thank you.

References:  Drunvalo Melchizedek, “Secret of the Secrets,” The Spirit of Ma'at, Vol.4 No.1, August 2003.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Crystal Bed Day 24 - Holding It Together

Today on the Crystal Bed I had an experience that was becoming more common.  I went deep into my subconscious mind, even though I was conscious.  It is like having a vivid dream while being only half asleep.

These experiences always seem very profound yet I am still unable to remember them in any detail.  And the images I do remember are difficult for me to interpret and give meaning to.  I've decided I need to work on this because I think that I am receiving some valuable information when this happens on the Crystal Bed.

My thoughts today revolved around the words Connect and Communicate.  It seemed like I was being told to help people with these things.  For example, the recent internet developments in Social Media have made it easier for people to connect and communicate with each other.  This is a good thing.  We all need to do this.  My mission in life may be to help others do this who don't know as much about the internet and social media as I do (having spent years studying these subjects).

One challenging aspect of modern life is the pace of change.  This is especially true when it comes to the internet.  A few years ago nobody had heard of Facebook, and now it is challenging Google for internet dominance.  The reason for Facebook's success is the way it helps people connect and communicate. 
Other sites like Google and LinkedIn and even YouTube do these things also.

But still, coping with rapid change is not easy.  This applies to changes in our personal and professional lives as well as changes in technology.  It is necessary to be in balance, and to find one's center.  I think the Crystal Bed is really helping me do this.

When Yeats wrote "things fall apart, the centre cannot hold" I think he was referring to the rapid changes the world went through in the early 20th century. We all are responsible for being centered -- for holding it together.

Yet we do need help in doing this.  It's helpful to have a community to be part of and connect with.  In today's world it's up to each of us to find our own communities and support groups.  This is important as traditional and historical communities have gone by the wayside.

The Crystal Bed seems able to give me what I call a "psychic energy recharge." Where it is located -- Daytona Books & Metaphysics -- seems to have become a place where like-minded people with positive energy can connect and communicate about important topics.

I think it is the job of each one of us to help others in our communities to learn and grow -- and to connect and communicate.  This is a great opportunity for us to grow as individuals also.  Maybe this is why we are here.